Born in the southern reaches of New Mexico, Sky Island Journal is an independent, international, free-access, Pushcart Prize-winning, and Best of the Net-winning literary journal. We are dedicated to discovering and publishing the finest original poetry, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction.
Our mission to provide our readers with a clean, powerful, focused, advertising-free literary experience that transports them: one that challenges them intellectually and moves them emotionally. We believe in removing barriers between readers and access to high quality literature—especially in regions of the world that have traditionally been underserved by English language journals or completely ignored by the literary establishment.
We've published over 1,000 writers from over 50 countries, and we have over 150,000 engaged readers in over 150 countries.
We believe that every writer's work deserves several cycles of deep-reading, real-time discussion, careful consideration, and a prompt, respectful response detailing what we appreciate (regardless of whether we accept or decline it). Our average response time is 9 days. Writers have grown accustomed to waiting 3-6 months for publications to accept or decline their submissions. With us, those days are over. You are our priority.
Enjoy all our issues for free, and join us where the desert meets the mountains: where the indigenous meets the exotic and the old ways meet the digital frontier.
- Please read our "Submission Guidelines + FAQ" page, before sending us your work:
- You must be at least 18 years of age to submit.
- We only publish previously unpublished work, written primarily (50% or more) in English.
- We publish quarterly and accept submissions year-round.
- We publish accomplished, well-established authors side-by-side with fresh, emerging voices.
- A single $4.99 submission fee, via Submittable, covers one of the following: 4-5 poems (in a single document), 2-3 flash fiction pieces under 1,000 words each (in a single document), or 2-3 creative nonfiction pieces under 1,000 words each (in a single document).
- If you live outside of the United States, and paying our submission fee would create either a financial hardship or a security risk for you, we can waive our submission fee. Please email us with your waiver request at .
- You can submit whenever you like, as often as you like.
- Do not include a cover letter or bio anywhere within your submission. Sky Island Journal reads blind. We respect your writing enough to experience it on its own merits. This creates a refreshing challenge for well-established professionals who have been favored by literary journals in the past because of their credentials, while simultaneously encouraging emerging voices: writers, young and old, who would normally be rejected out-of-hand by many literary journals because of their lack of pedigree. If we accept your work, we’ll be anxious to get to know who you are. We do not, however, want that information influencing our decisions beforehand. If your writing finds a home with us, we’ll solicit a full bio and author photo to be featured alongside your work. Any submission that contains either a cover letter or bio will be declined.
- While we accept and encourage simultaneous submissions, you must contact us immediately--via email--if some or all of the work that you submitted to us is accepted elsewhere. We move quickly, and time is of the essence.
- All submissions are nonrefundable.
- Sky Island Journal acquires First North American Serial Rights and First Electronic Rights for all accepted work. Upon publication, all rights revert to the author. We request that any future publications of the work recognize Sky Island Journal as the original publisher.
- A single $4.99 fee, via Submittable, covers your submission.
- If you live outside of the United States, and paying our submission fee would create either a financial hardship or a security risk for you, we can waive our submission fee. Please email us with your waiver request at .
- Please submit 4-5 poems (in a single document), 2-3 pieces of flash fiction under 1,000 words each (in a single document), or 2-3 pieces of creative nonfiction under 1,000 words each (in a single document) per submission.
- Please read our "Submission Guidelines + FAQ" page carefully before sending us your work:
- Your best writing deserves an audience, and it is our mission to provide our readers with a powerful, focused, advertising-free literary experience that transports them: one that challenges them intellectually and moves them emotionally. We believe in removing barriers between readers and access to high quality literature—especially in regions of the world that have traditionally been underserved by English language journals or completely ignored by the literary establishment.
- We've published over 1,000 writers from over 50 countries, and we have over 150,000 engaged readers in over 150 countries.
- You must be at least 18 years of age to submit.
- We only publish previously unpublished work, written primarily (50% or more) in English.
- We publish accomplished, well established authors side-by-side with fresh, emerging voices. You can submit as many times as you like, as often as you like, before midnight (MST) on March 31st 2025.
- We believe that every writer's submission deserves several cycles of deep-reading, real-time discussion, careful consideration, and a prompt, respectful response detailing what we appreciated (regardless of whether we accept or decline it).
- Our average response time is 9 days. Writers have grown accustomed to waiting 3-6 months for publications to accept or decline their submissions. With us, those days are over. You are our priority.
- Do not include a cover letter or bio anywhere within your Submittable form, or your submission itself. Any submission that includes either a cover letter or a bio will be declined. Sky Island Journal reads blind. We respect your writing enough to experience it on its own merits. This creates a refreshing challenge for well-established professionals who have been favored by literary journals in the past because of their credentials, while simultaneously encouraging emerging voices: writers, young and old, who would normally be rejected out-of-hand by many literary journals because of their lack of pedigree. If we accept your work, we’ll be anxious to get to know who you are. We do not, however, want that information influencing our decisions beforehand. If your writing finds a home with us, we’ll solicit a full bio and author photo to be featured alongside your work.
- All submissions are nonrefundable.
- While we accept and encourage simultaneous submissions, you must contact us immediately--via email--if some or all of the work that you submitted to us is accepted elsewhere. We move quickly, and time is of the essence.
- Sky Island Journal acquires First North American Serial Rights and First Electronic Rights for all accepted work. Upon publication, all rights revert back to you, the author. We only request that any future publications of the work recognize Sky Island Journal as the original publisher.